Complaint Letter To Landlord
Complaint Letter To Landlord
Dear [Landlord Name],
I’m the tenant in [flat/apartment 403A] in the [New Horizon] building. I would like to draw your attention to a couple of issues in [the building/my apartment] that are disturbing [me/us].
[Describe your complaint in details. Explain to the landlord the effects of these issues on you/your neighbors].
[If you have a suggestion on how to address your complain, mention it here]. I’m looking forward to your quick reaction regarding the problem presented above. Please contact me if you require additional information.
Complaint Letter To Landlord
Dear [Landlord Name],
I’m writing this letter to complain about [some problem] in my [apartment/flat] number [4B] in [building name].
[Describe your complaint in details. Explain to the landlord the effects of these issues on you/your neighbors].
I appreciate if you could send someone to sort this out at the earliest. [If you have specific recommendation on how to solve this issue, state it here]. Thank you very much for your cooperation and interest in the welfare of your tenants.