
Apology Acceptance Letter Sample

Apology Acceptance Letter

Dear [Recipient Name],
Thank you for your apology. I am glad that you were able to explain the situation and the reasons that led to your actions. It was so not you, but it doesn’t matter now because it is all in the past. They say that the strongest relationships begin with conflicts. Let’s take this opportunity to start our [relationship, partnership] on good terms.

Apology Acceptance Letter

Dear [Recipient Name],
I received your apology letter and going through it I sensed a great deal of regret towards the bad things that you [said, did]. I appreciate your decision to reflect on what happened and the effort you have to put to apologize for the spontaneous and unintentional reflexes. It takes a great deal of courage for one to admit their mistake, which is something I admire. I accept your apology and look forward for pick up where we ended.

Apology Acceptance Letter Sample