How To Write A Complaint Letter To Council
How To Write A Complaint Letter To Council
I am writing to complaint about the [road condition, street lights near my house, etc...] which has not been addressed despite the verbal correspondence with one of your employees and the phone complaint last week. It is beyond my understanding why this problem has not been resolved by now and I consequently find myself obliged to write this letter with great disappointment.
[Describe your complaint here in details. Mention as many information as you can. Where you live? When you first noticed the issue? What inconvenience is the problem causing you? etc..]
I’m sure that you agree with me that this is a major inconvenience and that it should be sorted out at once. My expectations are high.
Below are my contact details. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if needed.
How To Write A Complaint Letter To Council
I would like to complaint about the [road condition, street lights near my house, etc...] which I hope you can fix at the earliest as it is [describe the how this is affecting you]. I live on [you address].
[Describe your complaint here in details. Mention as many information as you can. Where you live? When you first noticed the issue? What inconvenience is the problem causing you? etc..]
I appreciate the time and effort put to address this matter. Please contact me if you need more information.