Follow Up Letter After Phone Interview
Follow Up Letter After Phone Interview
Dear [recipient name],
I enclose my CV in follow-up to our conversation yesterday regarding the accountant [change as needed] position currently available at [company name]. I appreciate very much the time and your interest in me.
I am excited at the opportunity to work with your company. As I already explained, I am very interested about this position and I am confident that I can excel and deliver excellent results in the capacity of this role.
In terms of salary, I realize flexibility is essential and I’m therefore open to discussing your organization’s compensation package for an individual with my distinctive talents.
Best Regards
Follow Up Letter After Phone Interview
Dear [recipient name],
I appreciate the time you took yesterday to discuss the position at _______. Attached as you requested a copy of my resume. I believe that my experience and skills are perfect for the referenced position. Since letters and resumes are not an entirely satisfactory means of judging a person’s abilities, I suggest an interview to discuss further the merging of your needs and my qualifications. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Best Regards
Follow Up Letter After Phone Interview
Dear [recipient name],
Thank you for your phone call earlier this morning. I took careful consideration to your notes. Based on them, I formulated a preliminary plan for the things I would do first given the chance to work with you. I value your feedback for the ideas presented below:
1) Suggestion 1
2) Suggestion 2
3) Suggestion 3
4) ……………..
2) Suggestion 2
3) Suggestion 3
4) ……………..
Best Regards