Product or Service Order Acknowledgment / Confirmation Letter
Thank you for the order you made on [date]. This is a confirmation that your order has been successfully received and is currently under process. Attached to this message is a copy of your invoice, which also includes the details of your order.
Delivery normally takes up to [duration: "one week" for example]; therefore, the items should be delivered no later than [date]. We will notify you in the event of any unexpected delay.
[Company Name] values your business and is continuously looking for ways to better satisfy their customers. Please do share with us if there is a way we can serve you better.
Acknowledgement Thank You Letter
Dear [Mr. X],
I am writing to you this [letter/email] in a humble attempt to express my gratitude towards the unconditional support that you have given during [my project, my sickness, etc…]. I am truly thankful and appreciate your efforts. I could have never made it without you.
It is always good know that I’m surrounded by [loyal] and companionate people like yourself. You are a good friend and I take pride in our relationship. I don’t know if I will ever be able to return back the favor, but in case I couldn’t, please know how much I value and appreciate your help. Thank you very much.
Application Confirmation Letter
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
Dear [Recipient Name]:
Thank you for applying for the [job title] position at [company name].
This is to confirm that we received your application, which will undergo a screening process among other applications to select the best candidate.
A decision regarding your application will be made by [some date]. We will call for an interview if you will be shortlisted for the position. Regretfully, we will not be able to contact you if your application did not make it to the next stage. We wish you the best of luck regardless of the outcome.