Client Confirmation Letter

Client Confirmation Letter

Dear [Client Name],

Re: Confirmation of Client Engagement

I am writing this letter to confirm our recent discussions and agreements regarding the provision of [type of service or product] to [Client's Company Name]. It is a pleasure to have [Client's Company Name] as our valued client, and we appreciate the opportunity to serve your needs.

After careful consideration and review of your requirements, we are pleased to confirm the following details of our engagement:

1. Scope of Work: We will be providing [description of services or products] to meet your specific needs as discussed and agreed upon during our meetings.

2. Duration of Engagement: The engagement will commence on [start date] and is expected to continue until [end date], unless otherwise specified in writing.

3. Deliverables: We will deliver the agreed-upon [deliverables, such as reports, products, or services] within the agreed-upon timelines as discussed.

4. Payment Terms: The payment terms and conditions have been outlined in the attached contract/agreement, which we kindly request you to review and sign. Please note that [specific payment terms or conditions, such as due dates, payment methods, or milestones].

5. Contact Persons: The key points of contact for this engagement from our company will be [your name and contact details]. Similarly, we request that you designate a primary point of contact from your end to ensure effective communication and coordination throughout the engagement.

6. Confidentiality: We assure you that all information shared during the course of this engagement will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and will not be disclosed to any third party without your prior consent.

7. Amendments: Any amendments or changes to this engagement must be agreed upon in writing by both parties.

Please review the attached contract/agreement thoroughly and sign the copy provided. Once we receive the signed agreement, we will proceed with the necessary preparations to commence the engagement.

We are excited about the opportunity to work with [Client's Company Name] and look forward to a successful collaboration. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Thank you for choosing our company, and we are confident that our services/products will meet or exceed your expectations.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company Name]

Client Confirmation Letter