Faculty Appointment Letter
Dear [Candidate Name],
We are pleased to offer you a faculty appointment at [Name of Institution], in the Department of [Department Name], effective from [Start Date]. This appointment is subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees.
Your academic background and professional achievements have impressed our faculty search committee. We are confident that your expertise and research interests will make a valuable contribution to our department and the institution as a whole.
Your appointment will be at the rank of [Rank]. Your salary will be [Salary], payable monthly, and your contract will be for [Contract Duration]. In addition, you will be eligible for standard employee benefits, including health insurance, retirement benefits, and other benefits offered by the institution.
Your responsibilities will include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, conducting research in your field of expertise, and providing service to the department, the institution, and the broader academic community. You will be expected to contribute to the ongoing development and growth of the department, including the creation of new courses, the development of new research programs, and the recruitment and mentorship of graduate students.
We are excited about the prospect of having you join our faculty and look forward to your positive response to this offer. Please confirm your acceptance of this appointment by signing and returning the enclosed copy of this letter.
Congratulations on your appointment, and we look forward to welcoming you to [Name of Institution].
[Department Chair Name]
[Department Name]
[Name of Institution]