Gift Letter From Parents
[Recipient's Name]
[Recipient's Address]
Dear [Recipient's Name],
We, [Parents' Names], hereby confirm that we are gifting [amount of money or description of the non-monetary gift] to you, our [son/daughter], [Recipient's Name]. This gift is given without any expectation of repayment or consideration.
The purpose of this gift is [state the purpose or use of the gift, e.g., down payment for a home, educational expenses, etc.].
We understand that you may be required to provide documentation of this gift for [specify the purpose, e.g., mortgage application, educational institution, etc.]. We hereby affirm that the funds being gifted are our own and have been obtained legally.
Please find attached the necessary documentation to verify the source and availability of these funds, including [list any supporting documents being provided, such as bank statements or a certified check].
Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at [Parents' contact information].
Thank you for your attention to this matter.