Handover Document Template Resigning Employee

Handover Document Template Resigning Employee

**Handover Document Template for Resigning Employee**

*Note: This template is a general guideline and can be customized to fit the specific needs of your organization.*

**Employee Information:**

- Name: [Employee's Name]

- Position: [Employee's Position]

- Department: [Employee's Department]

- Last Working Day: [Last Working Day]

- Handover Date: [Handover Date]


This handover document is prepared by [Resigning Employee's Name] to provide a comprehensive overview of their responsibilities, tasks, and projects. This will help facilitate a smooth transition for their successor and ensure the continuity of work within the [Department Name] department.

**Responsibilities and Tasks:**

[List of the employee's key responsibilities and tasks, including any ongoing projects they are involved in.]

1. [Responsibility/Task 1]

- Description: [Brief description of the responsibility/task]

- Status: [Current status of the task]

- Key Contacts: [Names and contact information of relevant colleagues or stakeholders]

- Important Notes: [Any specific information or updates related to this task]

2. [Responsibility/Task 2]

- Description: [Brief description of the responsibility/task]

- Status: [Current status of the task]

- Key Contacts: [Names and contact information of relevant colleagues or stakeholders]

- Important Notes: [Any specific information or updates related to this task]


**Ongoing Projects:**

[List of ongoing projects the employee is involved in.]

1. [Project Name 1]

- Description: [Brief description of the project]

- Current Status: [Current status of the project]

- Key Milestones: [Upcoming milestones or deadlines]

- Key Contacts: [Names and contact information of project team members]

2. [Project Name 2]

- Description: [Brief description of the project]

- Current Status: [Current status of the project]

- Key Milestones: [Upcoming milestones or deadlines]

- Key Contacts: [Names and contact information of project team members]



[List of important contacts the employee interacts with regularly.]

1. [Contact Name 1] - [Contact Information]

- Role: [Contact's role or position]

- Relationship: [Nature of interaction with the contact]

2. [Contact Name 2] - [Contact Information]

- Role: [Contact's role or position]

- Relationship: [Nature of interaction with the contact]


**Tools and Systems:**

[List of tools, software, systems, and access credentials used by the employee.]

1. [Tool/System Name 1]

- Purpose: [Purpose of the tool/system]

- Access Credentials: [Username and password]

- Important Notes: [Any specific instructions or information related to the tool/system]

2. [Tool/System Name 2]

- Purpose: [Purpose of the tool/system]

- Access Credentials: [Username and password]

- Important Notes: [Any specific instructions or information related to the tool/system]


**Additional Notes:**

[Any additional information, tips, or advice the resigning employee would like to provide to their successor.]


By signing below, I acknowledge that I have reviewed and understood the contents of this handover document.

Resigning Employee's Signature: ___________________ Date: ______________

Supervisor's Signature: ___________________________ Date: ______________

Successor's Signature: ____________________________ Date: ______________

[End of Document]

Handover Document Template Resigning Employee