Job Or Work Scope Agreement Letter

Job Or Work Scope Agreement Letter

Dear [Employee Name],

We are pleased to offer you a position at our company as [Job Title]. This letter serves as an agreement outlining the scope of your work with our organization. The terms of this agreement are as follows:

Job Title and Description:

Your job title is [Job Title] and your main responsibilities will include [Job Description]. Your supervisor will be [Supervisor Name] and you will report directly to them.


Your starting salary will be [Salary] per [year/month/week/hour]. You will be eligible for [Benefits] benefits after [Probationary Period]. Your performance will be evaluated on a regular basis and salary increases will be considered based on merit and company performance.

Working Hours:

You will be expected to work [Number of Hours] hours per [Day/Week]. Your work schedule will be [Schedule]. Please note that additional hours may be required based on workload or project demands.


Either you or the company may terminate this agreement at any time with or without notice. In the event of termination, you will receive payment for any earned and unused vacation time, but will not receive any additional compensation.


As an employee of our company, you may have access to confidential information. You are required to maintain the confidentiality of any information related to our business operations, clients, or employees. This obligation continues even after your employment with the company ends.

Intellectual Property:

Any intellectual property developed or created by you during your employment with our company will be the property of the company. This includes any software, inventions, or other materials created while working for us.

We are confident that you will be an asset to our company and we look forward to having you join our team. Please review and sign this agreement to indicate your acceptance of these terms.


[Employer Name]

Job Or Work Scope Agreement Letter