Leave Extension Request Letter

Leave Extension Request Letter

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


[Recipient's Name]

[Recipient's Title]

[Company/Organization Name]

[Company Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Request for Leave Extension

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request an extension of my previously approved leave of absence, which was scheduled to end on [Original End Date]. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I am unable to return to work as initially planned. I am writing to request an extension of my leave until [Proposed New End Date].

The reason for this extension is [briefly explain the reason for the leave extension, such as personal/family medical issues, unexpected events, etc.]. I understand the importance of my role at [Company/Organization Name] and the impact that my absence may have on the team's projects and operations. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition during this extended leave period and am willing to assist in any way possible to minimize disruption.

I assure you that I will remain accessible during my leave extension and will be responsive to any work-related matters that require my attention. If necessary, I am open to discussing a modified work schedule or remote work arrangements to ensure continued contribution to ongoing projects.

I understand the challenges that my extended absence may pose, and I am grateful for your understanding and consideration of my request. I kindly request that you review and approve this leave extension request at your earliest convenience. I am eager to return to work as soon as I am able and will keep you updated regarding any changes to my circumstances.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I appreciate the support and understanding of [Company/Organization Name] as I navigate through this challenging situation. Please do not hesitate to contact me at [Email Address] or [Phone Number] if you require any further information or need to discuss this matter further.


[Your Name]

[Your Employee ID, if applicable]

[Your Department]

[Your Signature if sending a hard copy]

Enclosure: [If applicable, mention any documents attached to the letter, such as medical certificates, etc.]

Leave Extension Request Letter