How to confirm a meeting by email?
Step One: Meeting Request Acknowledgement:
This is typically required only if you want to reply to a meeting request. It serves as a great email introduction.
Use simple sentences such as: "I received the meeting request that you sent on ...." or "This is a reply to the meeting that you requested on ...".
Step 2: Thank them for their interest:
Unless the meeting is an internal one or you already know the person, it is good practice to thank them for their interest in meeting you. It is considered standard business etiquette.
Needless to say, you only have to thank them in the first response. If this is not your first reply, then skip this part.
Example sentence: "Thank you for the meeting request. I appreciate your interest in meeting me to discuss...."
Step 3: The Confirmation Statement:
The most important part of the whole email. Confirm your attendance to the meeting using your favourite affirmative phrase.
Mention the date and the time to be on the safe side and to avoid confusion. The simple "I confirm my attendance to the meeting at [location] on [date and time]" will do just fine.
Step 4: Request for a confirmation from the other party
If you are replying to a confirmation email, then skip this step. You only need to ask for the other person's attendance confirmation if they haven't already done so.
Confirming meeting by Text or SMS
When is it ok to confirm a meeting by text?
- The meeting agreement was verbal.
- You know the person whom you are about to meet fairly enough.
- The meeting itself is not formal.
- You don't have access to email.
Here is a simple template:
Meeting confirmation request. How to ask someone to confirm their attendance to a meeting?
- Remind them that a meeting has been scheduled.
- Mention the date, time, and location.
- Ask them to confirm their attendance within a time frame. For example: " I appreciate that you reply to this email or call to confirm the meeting no later than 12 PM so that we can make the proper arrangement". More examples below.
Meeting Confirmation Letter / Email
Dear [Recipient Name]
I am writing to confirm your meeting with [person or group of people] on [date] at [location]. If you require any assistance in finding the location please contact [me, us] on [phone number, email]. I genuinely appreciate a prompt confirmation from your side. Looking forward to meeting you there.
Best Regards
Meeting Confirmation Email
Dear [recipient name],
I would like to confirm our meeting [tomorrow] at [time]. I appreciate your acknowledgment to the same. Looking forward to meet you.
Best Regards
Replying to meeting request with positive confirmation
Dear [recipient name],
This email is to confirm our meeting [tomorrow] at [time]. If for any reason you were unable to make it, I appreciate an early notice, otherwise I hope to see you then.
Best Regards
Meeting Confirmation Email
Dear [recipient name],
I am sending you this email to confirm our meeting [tomorrow] at [time]. I appreciate a similar confirmation from your side so that we are both on the same page. Looking forward to meeting you.
Best Regards
How to Confirm a Meeting Attendance via Email
1) Title your email properly possibly with "Meeting Confirmation"
2) Re-mention the date, time, and location of the meeting so that there is no chance of confusion.
3) Request the other side to confirm the meeting as well except for confirmation replies.
Dear [Person Name],
With reference to our meeting at [location] on [meeting date and time], I am confirming my attendance as agreed and hope I am not asking for too much if I ask you to confirm yours as well. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Best Regards
How to Reply to Meeting Attendance Confirmation Email
Dear [Recipient Name],
Thank you for confirming your attendance to the meeting at the date and time mentioned below. I also confirm my availability for the meeting and look forward to seeing you soon.
Best Regards
Meeting Attendance Confirmation Email by Secretary
Dear [Mr. John],
My name is [_____] and I am contacting you on behalf of [Mr. Boss] to confirm his attendance at the meeting that is scheduled tomorrow at 5 PM. I appreciate a similar confirmation from your side at your earliest convenience to make sure that [Mr. Boss] is available and ready to meet you. If you wish to cancel or reschedule, please inform me immediately so that I can make the necessary adjustments.
Looking forward to your response.
Best Regards
Meeting Availability Confirmation Message
Dear [Recipient Name],
I writing you this message to confirm my availability for tomorrow's meeting as agreed before. I appreciate if you could do the same and confirm your attendance as well. If you wish to cancel to reschedule then, please inform me ASAP and will agree on another date.
Thank you and looking forward to seeing to seeing you.
Reply to Meeting Appointment Request Email Sample
Dear [Recipient Name],
Thank you for email and the meeting request.
I would be more than delighted to meet you and discuss [some topic]; however, I will not be available on 13 March and would like to reschedule the meeting to the 15th if that is ok with you.
Looking forward to your reply and your confirmation to the new date and time.
Best Regards
How to Agree and Confirm Meeting Date and Time
1) Express your intent to meet someone
2) Explain the reasons for why you want to meet them
3) Propose a date and time
4) Offer the other person the opportunity to change the proposed date and time.
5) Request from the other person a confirmation of the proposed date and time.
Meeting Confirmation Letter / Email
Dear [Recipient Name]
I would like to confirm our meeting that was scheduled on [date]. We shall meet at [location] as decided before. Looking forward to meeting you there.
Best Regards
Meeting Confirmation Letter / Email
Dear [Recipient Name]
I am writing to confirm my meeting with [person or group of people] which was scheduled on [date] at [location]. I genuinely appreciate a prompt confirmation from your side.
Best Regards