Parental Permission Letter

Parental Permission Letter

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


To Whom It May Concern,

Subject: Parental Permission Letter

I am writing to provide my full and unequivocal consent for my [son/daughter], [Child's Full Name], to participate in [Activity/Event/Program] organized by [Organization/Institution/Group] on [Event/Activity Dates].

I understand that [Child's Full Name] will be involved in activities that may include [briefly describe the nature of the activities or any potential risks, if applicable]. I have been informed of the purpose and objectives of the event, as well as the safety measures that will be put in place to ensure the well-being of all participants.

I acknowledge that my [son/daughter] will be under the supervision and guidance of responsible adults during the entire duration of the event. In the case of any emergencies or medical attention required, I authorize the organizers to seek medical assistance on behalf of my [son/daughter] and understand that they will make reasonable efforts to contact me or the emergency contacts listed below.

Emergency Contacts:

1. Name: [Emergency Contact 1 Name]

Relationship: [Emergency Contact 1 Relationship]

Phone: [Emergency Contact 1 Phone Number]

2. Name: [Emergency Contact 2 Name]

Relationship: [Emergency Contact 2 Relationship]

Phone: [Emergency Contact 2 Phone Number]

I further consent to the use of [Child's Full Name]'s image, likeness, and photographs taken during the event for promotional, educational, and documentation purposes by [Organization/Institution/Group], without any expectation of compensation or benefits.

I acknowledge that [Child's Full Name] will be responsible for adhering to the rules and regulations set forth by the organizers and will conduct themselves in a respectful and responsible manner throughout the event.

Please find my signature below as an expression of my consent for my [son/daughter] to participate in the [Activity/Event/Program].

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________

Date: ______________________

Thank you for considering my request, and if you have any further questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.


[Your Name]

(Parent/Guardian of [Child's Full Name])

Parental Permission Letter