Resignation Acceptance Email From Employer
Dear [Employee],
I received your resignation letter and want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for your contribution to our company during your tenure here. We appreciate your hard work, dedication, and commitment to excellence, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
I understand that this was not an easy decision for you to make, and I respect your reasons for resigning. We will do everything we can to ensure a smooth transition during this period, and we are committed to supporting you in any way we can.
Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make this process easier for you. We value your feedback and would appreciate hearing about your experience working with us.
Again, thank you for your service to our company, and we wish you all the best for your future.
Detailed Resignation Acceptance Email From Employer
Job Title:
Date of Joining:
Dear [Employee Name],
We are writing to confirm the receipt of your written resignation, dated _____, advising of your intention to cease providing services as [Job Title]. The company hereby accepts your resignation.
For purposes of clarification and understanding we would like to draw your attention to the following:
1. Last Working Day: _________.
2. Notice Period: As per your contract, your notice period is 1 month, which you are required to work.
3. Employee Medical Insurance: You are entitled to continued medical insurance coverage during your notice period. Your card should be returned to the HR Department on or before your last date of employment.
4. Company access cards/Assets: Laptop/ID cards (if any) are to be returned to the HR Department on your last working day.
5. End of Service Benefit: This will be calculated and paid as per Labour Law. A calculation will be made and provided to you in writing at least 7 days prior to your last working day.
6. Accrued Leave: All accrued leave/overtime/compensatory off (if any) will be paid out in your final settlement.
7. Final Dues: Your final dues will be payable in cheque as soon as you have completed all the pending final settlement processes. Your final settlement will be paid into the bank account that your salary is ordinarily paid into. Should you require a different arrangement you should discuss this request with the HR Manager, requests will only be considered where an employee has not requested a salary letter for purposes of loans.
8. Employment Visa: Your labour card & employment visa will be cancelled on your last working day. To enable us to finalize the process, you are required to hand your passport to the HR Department at least 7 days prior to your last day. Your passport will be returned back to you upon cancellation.
9. Confidentiality: Confidentiality of data and records is important. Any act/ attempt to disclose confidential data will be considered as breach of Company Policies and the law.
10.Certificate of Service: This will be issued to you as per terms and conditions of your employment.
Prior to your last working day the HR Manager will arrange a meeting with you in order to conduct an exit interview. Should you have any questions about your final settlement, please do not hesitate to contact your HR Manager.
I would like to take this opportunity in thanking you for your contribution to the [Company Name] and wish you all the success in your future endeavors.
Yours Sincerely,
Resignation Acceptance Letter
Dear [Employee Name]
We are really sorry that you have decided to leave [company name], but we can only respect your will and wish you the best in your next endeavor. We would also like to thank you for your efforts while you were at [company name].
We appreciate the early notice and your commitment to hand over your duties as complete as possible. It is always difficult to replace hardworking and dedicated employees like yourself.
We wish you the best of luck.
Best Regards
Resignation Acceptance Letter
Dear [Employee Name]
It is with great regret we accept your resignation from your position as [Job Title] which you submitted earlier on [Date]. We appreciate the early notice and your commitment to smoothly hand over your duties. As per the company’s policies and our agreement, your last working day will be [Date]. We wish you the best of luck.
Best Regards
Resignation Acceptance Letter
Dear [Employee Name]
This is to confirm the acceptance of your resignation which we received on [some date]. In accordance with to your contract, your last working day will be [some date]. We are sure that you will continue to perform to your best abilities for the remaining period as you have always done.
It has been a pleasure working with you. [Company name] would like to thank you for your service and efforts and wishes you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Best Regards
Resignation Acceptance Letter
Dear [Employee Name]
We have received your resignation [letter / email] dated [some date]. Your resignation has been accepted. As per your employment contract, your notice period ends on [some date] which will be your last working day.
We trust that you will maintain your high level of performance up to the last moment and will hand over your duties in a seamless way. We can only thank you for your time here and wish you the best of luck in your next job.
Best Regards
Resignation Acceptance and Approval Letter
Dear [Employee Name]
We acknowledge the receipt of your resignation letter on [date]. We do understand the reasons leading to your decision and we can only support you in what you want. We wish to inform you that your resignation has been accepted and your last working day will be [date].
We are confident about your commitment to high-quality work until the end. Please make sure to hand over your duties as smoothly as possible.
We appreciate the work you have done here and wish you the best in your next challenges. We will happily provide a recommendation letter if you require so.
Best Regards
Resignation Acceptance Letter from HR
Dear [Employee Name]
We are sorry that you have decided to resign from your job as [job title] from [company name]. While we understand the reasons leading to your decision, we could only have hoped to keep a dedicated and a hardworking employee like yourself for many more years. Now we can only thank you for your time here and wish you success in your next challenge. We will happily provide a recommendation letter if you require so.
This letter signifies our acceptance to your resignation. Your last working day will be [some date].
Good Luck
Best Regards
Request for Resignation Acceptance Letter
Please accept my resignation from [company X] effective [some date]. As per my labor contract, my last working day shall be [some date]. I will continue to assume my duties in the same professional manner till the last moment and help in transferring my responsibilities in the smoothest way possible. Thank you very much for everything.
Acceptance of Resignation Letter
Dear [Employee Name]
In response to your resignation letter, which you submitted on [some date], I want to inform you that we accepted your resignation and will release you of your duties on [some date], which will be your last working day. Thank you for the early notice. We appreciate your full cooperation in the remaining period in order to transfer your tasks and duties in the smoothest way possible. We will happily issue a recommendation letter should you require one. Thank you very much for your work and dedication and good luck in your future job.
Best Regards
Acceptance of Resignation Letter and Thank You
Dear [Employee Name]
This letter is a conformation of my receipt and acceptance of your resignation which you submitted on [some date]. While I would have preferred that we continue our fruitful cooperation for a longer period of time, I find your reasons to be legitimate enough and consequently understand your decision.
I appreciate the early notice and would like to thank you for years of commitment and dedication. Finding a suitable replacement will not be an easy task. Please continue to perform at your peak and help us in transferring your responsibilities as needed. Good luck in your next challenge.
Best Regards
Acceptance of Resignation Letter
Dear [Employee Name]
I are really sorry about your decision to quit your job. You know very well how important you are for us and how much we value your work. I really hope that we can extend our cooperation for the benefit of all. Please tell me if there's anything that I can do to change your mind. It's always a pleasure to have talented and enthusiastic members like yourself in our team. Thank you for your work and effort.
Best Regards
Acceptance of Resignation Letter
Dear [Employee Name]
I was a little surprised to receive your resignation letter earlier given the excellent relationship that we had. I just want to let you know that your expertise and skills are well recognized here, and if there is anything that we can do to change your mind, please inform us.
If your decision is final, than I can only wish you the best in your next endeavor and hope that you'll reach the goals that you've set for yourself. Thank you for your work and efforts.
Best Regards
Acceptance of Resignation Letter with Appreciation
Dear [Employee Name]
I'm really sorry that you've decided to leave [company X] to peruse career development somewhere else. I was hoping that you would stay for a longer period of time but I totally understand your concerns and respect your decision. Your resignation has been accepted.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your dedication. You have always been an excellent employee and will continue to be so till the last moment. Good luck in your next adventure.
Best Regards
Reply to Employee Resignation Email With Short or Without Notice Sample
Dear [Employee Name],
I received your resignation email and I have to say that I am a little bit disappointed with your decision to leave the company. You are a valuable asset to our workforce and your contributions are well recognized.
While we are left with little choice given your short notice period, I do understand the reasons leading up to your decision and can I only wish you the best of luck at this time.
Needless to say, please ensure a full comprehensive handover is performed.
Good Luck!
Employer Acknowledgement / Confirmation Response to Resignation Email
Dear [Employee Name],
In response to your resignation email that you sent on [some date], consider this letter an acknowledgment of your decision to leave the organization. Your resignation is accepted and confirmed as of [some date].
Thank you for your work here at [Company Name]. We wish the best of luck in your next assignment.
Accepting Resignation from Employee Format
Dear [Employee Name],
We are sorry that you have chosen to leave the company. We can only respect your aspirations and willingness to pursue other goals and therefore the decision of accepting your resignation. Please make sure to complete your duties and tasks handover no later than [some date], which will be your last working date as per the labor law.
Wishing you the best of success in your next mission.
Your Resignation is Accepted
Dear [Employee Name],
We have received your resignation letter and your resignation has been accepted.
Your last working day shall be [some date] as per the employment contract and the labor law.
We expect a comprehensive and full handover of your responsibilities and assigned tasks and we kindly ask you to maintain a clean working track record in terms of punctuality, performance, and professionalism until your employment completes.
Good luck!
Best Regards
Relieving Acceptance Letter With Early Release
Dear [Employee Name],
After receiving your resignation letter that included an early release request, I am glad to inform you that your resignation has been accepted and you are relieved of your duties starting today.
While we wished that you can stay with us for longer, we respect your decision and support you in your quest.
Best Regards
Response to Resignation Letter of Colleague
Dear [Colleage Name],
I am really sorry to know that you have decided to leave the company and pursue dreams somewhere else. We made a great team and things will never be the same without you. We have our share of success and disappointments, but the moments we spent working on things will be forever in our memories.
I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do. You deserve the best and I am sure that you will excel whatever you choose to do.
Best Regards
Resignation Acceptance Letter From Manager
Dear [Employee Name],
I read your resignation letter with great sorrow. You have been an excellent employee and it was a true privilege to have someone like you on my team. I understand the reasons that led to your decision and support you in whatever you choose to do next.
Please consider your resignation accepted. Wish you the best!