Salary Increase Confirmation Letter
[Employee’s Full Name]
Employee ID: [Employee ID]
[Job Title]
Dear [Employee Name],
We are pleased to inform you that in recognition of your performance and contribution towards the organization, your compensation will be revised to [New Gross Salary] with effect from [Month Name] [Day], [Year].
Compensation Break up => Components Amount
Basic Salary => ________
Housing Allowance => ________
Transportation Allowance => ________
Other Allowance => ________
Total => ________
Other terms and conditions will remain same as per the employment contract. Please note that if your contract is cancelled due to resignation or termination at any time during the first 3 months from the effective date, this increment will be revoked and will no longer be applicable to the employee benefits including gratuity.
We take this opportunity to thank you for your valuable contribution and progress you have made, and wish you success in your continued career with us.
Kindly sign and submit a copy of this letter as a token of acceptance.
Yours sincerely,