Settlement Offer Letter

Settlement Offer Letter

Re: Settlement Offer for [Case/File Number]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to propose a settlement offer to resolve the matter related to [briefly describe the case, e.g., personal injury, property damage, contractual dispute, etc.], with reference to the above-mentioned case or file number.

After careful consideration and in an effort to avoid further litigation expenses and time-consuming court proceedings, I am extending a settlement offer in good faith to bring this matter to a close. Please note that this settlement offer is without admission of liability, fault, or wrongdoing on any party's behalf.

Settlement Offer Details:

Settlement Amount: [Specify the total amount you are offering to settle the matter, including any applicable taxes or costs.]

Payment Terms: [Outline the payment terms, such as one lump sum payment or installment plan with specific due dates.]

Release of Claims: Upon acceptance of this settlement offer and receipt of the agreed-upon payment, both parties agree to release each other from any and all claims, liabilities, demands, and causes of action related to the aforementioned case.

Mutual Non-Disparagement: Both parties agree not to make any negative statements or disparaging remarks about each other concerning the dispute or the settlement.

Confidentiality: The terms and conditions of this settlement offer shall remain confidential, except as required by law or with the express written consent of both parties.

Time Limit: This settlement offer is valid until [Specify the expiration date, typically allowing the recipient ample time to consider the offer, e.g., 30 days from the date of this letter.]

Please carefully review the terms of this settlement offer and discuss it with your legal counsel, if applicable. If you agree to the terms outlined above, kindly sign and return a copy of this letter as an indication of your acceptance.

I believe that accepting this settlement offer is a fair and reasonable resolution for all parties involved, and I hope we can conclude this matter amicably and without further delay.

Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your prompt response.


[Your Name]

[Your Signature - if sending a physical letter]

Settlement Offer Letter