Vendor Balance Confirmation Letter Format
[Your Company's Letterhead]
[Vendor's Name]
[Vendor's Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
Dear [Vendor's Name],
Re: Vendor Balance Confirmation as of [Date]
We hope this letter finds you well. As a valued vendor of [Your Company Name], we would like to confirm the outstanding balance of your account as of [Date], in order to ensure accurate financial records and maintain a healthy business relationship.
Based on our records, the details of the outstanding balance are as follows:
Vendor Name: [Vendor's Legal Name]
Vendor Account Number: [Vendor Account Number, if applicable]
Balance as of [Date]: [Currency Symbol] [Total Outstanding Amount]
Please review the information provided above and confirm its accuracy. If you have any discrepancies or questions regarding the balance, please contact our accounts payable department at [Accounts Payable Contact Information] within [Specify Number of Business Days] business days from the date of this letter.
Kindly note that this letter is for confirmation purposes only, and no further action is required if the information is accurate. However, if there are any discrepancies, we kindly request your prompt attention to resolve the matter.
We appreciate your continued partnership and the quality of products/services you provide to our company. Your cooperation in confirming the balance will help us maintain accurate financial records and facilitate a smooth and transparent business relationship.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. We look forward to your confirmation.
[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Contact Information]
[Company Seal, if applicable]