Polite Invitation Letter
Listed below are examples of invitations to social or business events that you can use directly. Just fill in the blanks with the correct information and don't forget to start with a proper greeting.
Invitation Letter
We are throwing a [party] on the [some date] to celebrate [some occasion]. We would like you to join us on this special day. Your presence means a lot to us.
We will be holding the [party] in our place. We are scheduled to start at [some time].An early confirmation from your side is very much appreciated as it really helps us organize better.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Invitation Letter
It is my pleasure to invite to [event name] on [some date]. I would be honored by your presence. Please try your best to attend.
We are holding the [event] at [some location]. We shall start at [some time]. I have enclosed a map along with directions to the venue for your own reference.
I really do hope that you accept this invitation and I also appreciate if you could confirm your attendance no later than [some date].